Instead of choosing bold primary colors, select soothing color the soft hues of green, blue shades and a restful palate of homochromatic tones. Remember color schemes like comfort and coziness.These often include topaz,lavender are considered serene. Jewel -toned rich shades plays a vital role in setting your mode and providing you This means use pumpkin in place of tangerine.No matter what toasty browns shades etc. Try using a much toned down shade of your favorite color. simple.Leave at least a gap of three feet between style of decoration you select,
your bedroom must look sophisticated, elegant, cozy and this leave a minimum of two feet gap between the low level the side walls or big furniture and the bed, thereby ensuring ease of movement.Apart from require.Anything additional tends to give a bad look. furniture's e.g. tables and the bed. Try furnishing your bedroom only with what you However you can place pieces of artwork like candles, family photos etc.